how long does it take to heal a broken arm
A cast typically is worn for four. Since broken bones heal at different time rates depending on your overall health and the severity of the fracture some bones can heal in a matter of three weeks while some will take six weeks or more. Strategies To Help Heal Your Broken Bones Direct Orthopedic Care Fingers takes 4-6 weeks of healing time. . If it is a simple non-displaced fracture at the arm you may be back as early as 6-8 weeks. The skin under the cast may be itchy for a few days but this should pass. Most upper arm bruises can heal on their own at home especially if there is no fracture involved. IF it needs surgery it will take anywhere from 8-12 weeks. Eventually the growing cells close up the break but it is important to make sure the bone has been properly set and immobilized so that the bone heals straight. It usually takes weeks for complete healing. But a lot depends on the age of the child and the location of th...